27 research outputs found

    An example of health training for pregnant women

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    With the expansion of the  knowledge about the physiology of pregnancy is changing the recommendation for safe management during its duration. More and more often talk about the need for physical activity due to maintaining or even increasing cardiopulmonary capacity, muscle strength, range of joint mobility, especially the hip and spine. And the right conduct and selection of exercises not only guarantees the development of the child, but also prepares the future mother for active participation in childbirth. Regular gymnastics and properly selected exercises, as part of pregnancy care with a physiological, uncomplicated course, are widely recognized. It is important that such awareness also have women expecting a child, while gaining additional motivation to exercise. In this article, we have tried to present and justify the valuable effect of the mentioned gymnastic exercises, which a pregnant woman can do without medical contraindications

    Proceedings of an emergency medical team (paramedics) with a patient in anaphylaxis

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    Introduction: Anaphylactic shock is an acute allergic body reaction to allergens. This condition threatens the patient's life and health. Anaphylaxis can be caused by intolerance to many nutrients, medications or hymenoptera stings.Aim of the manuscript: The aim of the manuscript was to determine the pattern of proceedings of emergency medical teams with patients in anaphylactic shock.Material and methods: The individual case method of a patient stung by a Hymenoptera insect, for whom a medical rescue team was dispatched, was used. The research material was obtained thanks to the analysis of medical rescue operations and dispatch orders.Results: The analysis of medical records of the injured person depicted an appropriate algorithm of proceedings with a patient in anaphylactic shock. In anaphylaxis, it is important to gather information as soon as possible, make an accurate and prompt diagnosis, and provide immediate pharmacotherapy. In this case, the first-line drug is Adrenaline, which prevents the release of histamine and reverses the effects of shock. Further treatment requires oxygen, fluids and second-line pharmacotherapy. Conclusions: The emergency medical team followed the applicable algorithms and current knowledge. It implemented appropriate medical rescue operations, thanks to which the condition of the injured was stabilized. The first step is to stop the exposure to the allergen

    The level of platelets in patients operated for a fracture of the neck of the femur

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    Admission. Treatment of hip fractures is one of the most serious challenges for musculoskeletal traumatology, as these fractures occur mainly in the elderly. Despite the fact that modern traumatology has reached a high level, femoral neck fractures are still a very big problem among societies.            The purpose of the study was an assessment of the level of platelets in patients treated with surgery for a fracture of the neck of the femur.            Material and method. The research was conducted in December 2019 in one of the trauma and orthopedic wards in Upper Silesia. The study included 35 patients aged 48-78 years treated surgically due to a hip fracture. All obtained data on patients come from medical records.            Results. The analysis showed that 8 of the 35 patients included in the study had a decrease in the level of platelets 24 hours after the surgical treatment of a hip fracture. One week after the surgery, the level of platelets was normal.            Conclusions. A relationship has been demonstrated between the level of platelets and surgical treatment of a fracture of the femoral neck. A significant drop in platelets was noticed in 23% of the subjects 24 hours after the surgery and their normal value was reached a week later. The problem requires further observation and research

    Analysis of Occurrence of Elements in Tissues of the Knee Joint

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    The mineral structure of bones is never static, it is a living structure, reacting and adapting to load and having the ability to remodel. Skeletal cells work continuously to maintain the remodelling process therefore they are in a constant state of dynamic balance both in the sense of composition and structure, and they react to external mechanical forces. The remodelling processes that occur in the bone tissue allow for a proper functioning of this tissue, as well as for inclusion of additional elements, toxic ones included, in the remodelled bone, and they affect the metabolic processes occurring therein. This may result in disturbances in the osteoarticular system, manifested by changes in the bone tissue and within other organs. The influence of tobacco smoking on the content of strontium, lead, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium has not been confirmed. Non-smokers showed a high iron content in knee joint tissues compared to smokers. There were no statistically significant differences in the content of cadmium, nickel, copper and zinc in women and men in the studied knee joint components. With age, an increase in the content of chromium in knee joint tissues was observed, while gender, place of residence and occupational exposure had no effect

    The role of adiponectin and leptin in the treatment of ovarian cancer patients

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    Introduction: Ovarian cancer is most frequently detected in the advanced stage. Although its pathogenesis is not fully elucidated, it is assumed that body susceptibility and hormonal disorders are responsible. The role of some cytokines as predictors in the treatment process is still investigated. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship of adiponectin and leptin with the disease severity and response to chemotherapy. Material and methods: Forty-three ovarian cancer patients were treated by systemic treatment. Patients received 5–7 cycles of chemotherapy — paclitaxel/carboplatin with or without bevacizumab. Using standard ELISA kits before and after chemotherapy, adiponectin and leptin concentrations were determined in the blood serum. Results: The average adiponectin concentration before chemotherapy was found to be 8.83 ± 3.19 μg/ml, as compared to 10.37 ± 4.18 μg/ml (increase by 17.44%, p < 0.001) after treatment. Mean pre-treatment leptin concentration was 16.89 ± 15.54 ng/ml, and 21.77 ± 14.69 ng/ml after chemotherapy (increase by 28.89%, p < 0.01). A positive correlation was found between leptin concentration and age and BMI. There was no relationship of the disease severity with the response to treatment and the concentration of the adipokines. The leptin/adiponectin ratio (L/A) before treatment correlated with better response to chemotherapy. Conclusions: Adiponectin and leptin did not correlate with the stage of ovarian cancer and response to chemotherapy. The L/A ratio may be considered a predictor of clinical response to treatment

    Analysis of the Content of Chromium in Certain Parts of the Human Knee Joint

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    Chromium is an essential microelement in the human body. It exerts an effect on bones by modulating their biochemical parameters: alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP). With considerable accumulation of chromium in the skeleton, the activity of alkaline phosphatase was found to decrease, which affected bone formation rate. The study objective was to analyze chromium content in the knee tissues. Tissues for analysis were obtained during endoprosthesoplasty of the knee joint and included tibia, femur, and meniscus tissues. Samples were collected from 50 patients, including 36 women and 14 men. The analysis was performed using the inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) method, by means of a Varian 710-ES apparatus. The results revealed no significant differences in the content of chromium in the knee joint tissues between women and men. The highest level of chromium was found in the femoral bone of the knee joint, then in the meniscus, and was lowest in the tibia, although the differences were statistically insignificant. Chromium content increased with age

    Morphological and motor skills condition among 10-11 year old children engaged in cross-country skiing attending Sports Primary School in Suprasl

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                Introduction. Cross-country skiing is a sport discipline with different applications in the modern world. It is used in recreation, rehabilitation, tourism and sport as a phycical movement.             Objective of the work. The aim of the study was to estimate physical fitness of children aged 10 - 11 years attending sports classes (cross-country skiing profile) with the results of the efficiency grade among students attending unsportsmanlike classes in Sports Primary School in Suprasl.            Material and methods. The study involved 50 children attending the Sports School in Suprasl -  class 4 students.  Each student was supposed to take part in the International Physical Fitness Test. There were the following attempts: 50 metres run, long jump, sitting position from lying down during 30 seconds, the trunkbend in front and 600 metres run. The results of completed studies are presented in tables and figures below.            Results. The analysis show that girls practising cross-country skiing are characterized by higher efficiency motor skill compared to their peers, as well as it is easier for them to acquire new motor skills than for boys of their class. For boys the differences that occurred between sports and unsportsmanlike classes  was insignificant. Perhaps, it may change in future.            Conclusions. Children attending sports classes (cross country-skiing profile) have better motor abilities and acquire new motor skills faster than pupils in unsportsmanlike classes.</p

    Zespół bólowy kręgosłupa u pielęgniarek w podkarpackich szpitalach

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    INTRODUCTION: Back pain syndromes constitute a serious health problem. They most often affect people between 40 and 60 years of age, but it also happens that they appear before the age of 30. They are a frequent problem in nurses. The etiology of these ailments is multifactorial. The main causes are physical stresses on the spine: lifting, a forced posture, and obesity. Human neurophysiological predispositions and social conditions also play an important role. The study attempts to determine whether the respondents know the cause of their ailments, and what the prevention of this disease, knowledge of the principles of ergonomics and pro-health measures should be. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In this work, the frequency of back pain syndromes in nurses in two hospitals in the Podkarpackie region was observed. The author’s own questionnaire and anthropometric research were used. RESULTS: Pain occurred in 89% of the respondents, and the main causes of these ailments were physical stress, overweight and low physical activity. The respondents knew the principles of ergonomics, but did not use them at work, and the length of service was not statistically significant. The lack of training and appropriate equipment was noted. Stress factors had an effect on back pain only in 13% of the respondents. CONCLUSIONS: Back pain occurs in 90% of the surveyed nurses in hospitals in the Podkarpackie region and has the features of an occupational disease. The respondents know the principles of ergonomics and express their willingness to deepen their knowledge on this subject. This knowledge should be supplemented with the basic understanding of active physiotherapy and neurophysiology due to the role of psychological factors in the treatment of chronic pain.WSTĘP: Zespoły bólowe kręgosłupa są ogromnym problemem zdrowotnym. Dotyczą najczęściej osób pomiędzy 40 i 60 rokiem życia, ale zdarza się, że występują jeszcze przed 30 rokiem życia. U pielęgniarek są powszechnym zjawiskiem. Etiologia tych dolegliwości jest wieloczynnikowa. Zasadniczą przyczyną są obciążenia fizyczne kręgosłupa: dźwiganie, wymuszona postawa ciała oraz nadwaga. Istotną rolę odgrywają też predyspozycje neurofizjologiczne człowieka i uwarunkowania społeczne. W pracy podjęto próbę ustalenia, czy osoby badane znają przyczynę swoich dolegliwości, wiedzą, jaka powinna być profilaktyka tego schorzenia, znają zasady ergonomii oraz działania prozdrowotne w tym zakresie. MATERIAŁ I METODY: W pracy określono częstość występowania zespołów bólowych kręgosłupa u pielęgniarek w dwóch szpitalach na Podkarpaciu. Posłużono się autorską ankietą i badaniami antropometrycznymi. WYNIKI: Ból występował u 89% badanych, a zasadniczą przyczyną dolegliwości były obciążenia fizyczne, nadwaga i niska aktywność fizyczna. Osoby badane znały zasady ergonomii, ale nie wykorzystywały ich w pracy, a staż nie miał tu statystycznie istotnego znaczenia. Odnotowano brak szkoleń i odpowiedniego sprzętu. Jedynie u 13% badanych czynniki stresowe miały wpływ na dolegliwości bólowe kręgosłupa. WNIOSKI: Ból pleców występuje u 90% badanych w szpitalach na Podkarpaciu i ma cechy choroby zawodowej. Respondenci znają zasady ergonomii i wyrażają chęć pogłębienia swojej wiedzy na ten temat. Wiedzę tę należy uzupełnić o podstawowe wiadomości z zakresu aktywnej fizjoterapii i neurofizjologii ze względu na rolę czynników psychologicznych w leczeniu przewlekłego bólu

    Interakcja pomiędzy ośrodkowym układem noradrenergicznym a działaniem przeciwbólowym pośredniczonym przez receptor serotoninergiczny 5-HT3 u szczurów

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    BACKGROUND The aim of the present study was to examine the impact of the central noradrenergic system on the serotoninergic 5-HT3 receptor mediated analgesia in rats. MATERIAL AND METHODS The noradrenergic system was lesioned in male rats shortly after birth by subcutaneous (sc) injections of the neurotoxin DSP-4 [(N-(-2-chloroethyl)- N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine (50 mg/kg x 2) given on postnatal days 1 and 3. Rats continued to be housed until they were 10 weeks old, for further experimentation. The anti-nociceptive effects of the central serotoninergic 5-HT3 receptor agonist (1-phenylbiguanide; 7.5 mg/kg), antagonist (ondansetron; 1.0 mg/kg) and both drugs administration (intraperitoneal; ip) were examined in models of exteroceptive sensation using thermal (tail immersion and hot plate tests) and mechanical stimuli (paw pressure test). Furthermore accumulation of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HTP) in some parts of the brain were determined using high pressure chromatography with electrochemical detection method (HPLC/ED). RESULTS AND CONCLUSION In the tail immersion test we did not observe differences between control and DSP-4 treated rats as far as the anti-nociceptive effect evoked by the central serotoniergic 5-HT3 receptor agonist (1-phenylbiguanide; 7.5 mg/ kg ip) is concerned. Conversely in the hot plate test 1-phenylbiguanide (7.5 mg/kg ip) produced significantly diminished analgesic reaction in DSP-4 lesioned rats in comparison to control (in all tested intervals (20, 40, 60 and 80 min; p <0.05); this effect was abolished by 5-HT3 receptor antagonist (ondansetron; 1.0 mg/kg ip) pretreatment. Similar effects were observed in paw pressure test; in this case significant changes were noticed in 20 and 40 min of testing (p <0.05). In biochemical assay we found that 1-phenylbiguanide significantly increased 5-HTP level in the prefrontal cortex of control rats being without effect in DSP-4 group in this regard. Ondansetron did not affect 5-HTP content when given alone but injected before 1-phenylbiguanide abolished its effect in control group. In the thalamus with hypothalamus (control) as well as in the brain stem (control and DSP-4) 1-phenylbiguanide only non-significantly elevated 5-HTP level. Ondansetron alone did not affect examined parameters but in the brain stem administered before 1-phenylbiguanide statistically lowered 5-HTP (in both tested groups) in comparison to respective controls (1-phenylbiguanide). The results of the present study indicate that the noradrenergic system participates in the analgesic properties of 5-HT3 acting drugs integrated in the higher brain structures (e.g. thalamus, cortex) being without effect on spinal analgesia. Additionally, obtained data pointed out on the possibility of nociception disturbances (mediated by 5-HT3 receptor) in patients with noradrenergic system dysfunction (e.g., depression and/or anxiety disorders).WSTĘP Badanie miało na celu określenie roli ośrodkowego układu noradrenergicznego w antynocyceptywnych efektach pośredniczonych przez receptor serotoninergiczny 5-HT3 u szczurów. MATERIAŁ I METODY Noworodki szczurze szczepu Wistar 1. i 3. dnia życia otrzymały podskórnie (sc) iniekcję neurotoksyny DSP-4 [N-(2-chloroetylo)-N-etylo-2-bromo-benzylaminy] w dawce 50 mg/kg x 2 celem trwałego zniszczenia ośrodkowego układu noradrenergicznego. Zwierzęta kontrolne otrzymały 0,9% roztwór NaCl (1,0 ml/kg sc). Po osiągnięciu wieku 10 tygodni wykonano testy behawioralne oceniające czucie interoceptywne z użyciem bodźca termicznego (test imersji ogona, test gorącej płytki) oraz bodźca mechanicznego (test wycofania łapy) po dootrzewnowym (ip) podaniu agonisty ośrodkowego receptora serotoninergicznego 5-HT3 (1-fenylbiguanidu; 7,5 mg/kg), antagonisty receptora 5-HT3 (ondansetronu; 1,0 mg/kg) oraz łącznym podaniu obu związków. Ponadto, posługując się metodą chromatografi i cieczowej wysokociśnieniowej z detekcją elektrochemiczną (HPLC/ED), oznaczono zawartość 5-hydroksytryptofanu (5-HTP) w wybranych częściach mózgu badanych zwierząt. WYNIKI I WNIOSKI Nie stwierdzono różnicy w antynocyceptywnym działaniu agonisty receptora serotoninergicznego 5-HT3 1-fenylbiguanidu (7,5 mg/kg ip) w teście imersji ogona pomiędzy grupą kontrolną i DSP-4. Natomiast w teście gorącej płytki 1-fenylbiguanid (7,5 mg/kg ip) wykazywał znamiennie słabsze działanie analgetyczne u zwierząt z lezją układu noradrenergicznego wywołaną podaniem DSP-4 we wszystkich badanych przedziałach czasowych, tj. 20. 40. 60. i 80. minucie obserwacji (p <0,05); efekt ten był blokowany przez antagonistę receptora 5-HT3 ondansetron (1,0 mg/kg ip). Podobne wyniki uzyskano w teście wycofania łapy, w tym przypadku znamienność statystyczna wystąpiła w 20. oraz 40. minucie obserwacji (p <0,05). W badaniach biochemicznych stwierdzono, że 1-fenylbiguanid znamiennie zwiększa zawartość 5-HTP w korze móz gowej u zwierząt kontrolnych, pozostając bez wpływu u zwierząt z lezją DSP-4. Efekt ten był blokowany podaniem antagonisty ondansetronu. Podobną tendencję zaobserwowano we wzgórzu z podwzgórzem (uzyskane różnice nie były jednak statystycznie znamienne), natomiast w pniu mózgu stosowane ligandy receptora 5-HT3 nie wpływały na badany parametr. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań wyciągnięto wnioski, iż zniszczenie ośrodkowego układu noradrenergicznego osłabia antynocyceptywne efekty pośredniczone przez receptor serotoninergiczny 5-HT3 integrowane na poziomie wyższych struktur ośrodkowego układu nerwowego (kora mózgowa, wzgórze), natomiast pozostaje bez wpływu na procesy integrowane w rdzeniu kręgowym (brak zmian w teście imersji ogona). Wyniki badań wskazują pośrednio na możliwość wystąpienia zaburzeń transmisji bodźców bólowych pośredniczonych przez receptor 5-HT3 u chorych z dysfunkcją ośrodkowego układu noradrenergicznego (np. u chorych z zaburzeniami lękowymi lub depresją)

    Surgical method of treatment and level of satisfaction with life among women diagnosed with breast cancer, according to time elapsed since performance of surgery

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    Introduction In women diagnosed with breast cancer one of the methods most commonly applied in therapy is surgical treatment, which consists in a breast conserving surgery or total removal of the breast. The applied type of surgical treatment may exert an effect on the satisfaction with life of the women. Objective The aim of the study was evaluation of the satisfaction with life among women surgically treated for breast cancer, according to the type of surgery on the breast, and the time elapsed since its performance. Material and methods The study included 121 patients of the Sub-Carpathian Oncology Centre in Brzozów, south-east Poland, who had undergone surgical treatment due to breast cancer. The women expressed their informed consent to participate in the study. The method of a diagnostic survey was applied. Results The women obtained a mediocre result in satisfaction with life – 5.64 sten scores. Patients who had undergone mastectomy had a considerably lower level of satisfaction with life, compared to those after breast-conserving surgery (4.73 sten scores vs. 6.30 sten scores). Evaluations of the satisfaction with life in the examined group significantly differed according to the time elapsed since performance of surgery. Conclusions There is a need for undertaking actions directed to women who have undergone surgical treatment for breast cancer within the period from 2–5 years, aimed at improving the satisfaction with life in this group of patients. In addition, special support should be provided for women who have undergone mastectomy, especially during the period of more than 1 and up to 2 years